Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is the name of this episode of Criminal Minds?

In the beginning a woman find her husband in the bathtub deceased because shocked himself by taking a heater into the bathtub.

I have vilitigo i want to tattoo my hole body brown?

i have vitiligo white patches all over my skin , i have the ability to be a model or evan a super model , but my skin decease has destroyed my i just want to die my body brown , as i have brown skin and white patches ,!

Does the new HST affect my paycheck?

I was wondering if the HST affects our paychecks.. I am just getting back to work as I was off for a while and I am finding that alot of tax is being taken off my checks and I don't remember ever having that much taken off so I'm thinking there is either something wrong or it's just the stupid HST that they came out with??

Tattoo and blood help?

I've been wanting to get a tattoo to commemorate a certain special event in my life, but people around me have told me that getting a tattoo negativity affects the ability to give blood. I do give blood and although I am only 19, I really feel that I'm making a difference by doing so. Getting a tattoo is important to me, but not at the risk of not being able to give blood. So I guess my question is, does getting a tattoo really mean I cannot freely give blood? How does it affect the quality of my blood or what is the cause of the concern of getting tattoos and giving blood? Or was this just a made up thing to prevent me from getting a tattoo...

Do we get a sales tax check in may 2011?

I ask this question and noticed that it said I was from the states! Sorry my bad I ment it for Canadians! We get gst, hst, and sales tax, man I love Canada!

How do you makes someone look dead in a drawing?tips?

I use heavier shading around edges of body and over cover of gray and extreme darkness around eyes the way in which you have them positioned also helps because straight out doesnt really help you have to select a pose by how violently they died or how it was the slow sad slipping away death often leaving their eyes open suggests death more broadly hope this helps

Cost for shipping from US to Canada?

I'm going to buy 2 items from an online corporate store totaling up to $2.98 US and they are very small items, I read that it will be shipped by USPS, and I'm wondering what is going to be my fee since I know about this NAFTA thing going on, I won't pay HST.

If something happened to ruin your spouses looks or physical ability,would you leave?

in richness and in poorness, in health and in sickness until death do us part.But,something happened.your wife got cancer and lost a breast. your husband lost a leg and arm in an auto accident. how about this one: your spouse is disfigured by third degree burns of the face. would you leave? would you cheat?

My 16 year old son got a tattoo without my permission, and we live in Ca where it is illegal, what can I do?

Im so mad my 16 year son came home with a tattoo without my permission, its his deceased fathers name on his arm, he knew I never wanted him to get one, but he got one anyway, I dont know who did it, but Im sure one of his friends know, In Ca its a mes meaner to do that to a minor. I wanted to go down and file a police report, my mother said it probably wont do any good, but I wanted to do it anyway, plus she said the police might take my son to juvenile hall, I dont know if thats true or not, but I feel like he really disrespected me by getting this done, and I want to take him somewhere to get it removed.. What do you think I should do?

Ways to improve my vocal ability?

Wow! You actually sound really nice! Just stay away from dairy products, since they create phlegm. Also, don't drink hot or cold drinks before you perform, they irritate the vocal cords. Caffeine is also bad, especially from sodas and coffee. Keep it up, you sound really nice. Not that it doesn't sound good, but try singing from your diaphram (center of your torso, just below your chest). It will add intensity. You're doing great!

How do YOU pray? Very easy question, just what you do?

I was just wondering because sometimes I feel like I'm praying wrong or something (not actual prayers, just plain praying-like for someone to recover from an injury or something). So how do you pray? To a saint? To God? To a deceased loved one? I'm just wondering.

38 Weeks Pregnant And Dreaming of My Deceased Father?

I believe that our passed loved ones visit us through our dreams. In this case, it sounds like your dad was doing that, and maybe the phone number thing was his way of showing you that he wants to be around (spiritually) and watching over you guys, just another way to stay in contact, like the phone.

Is this agreement legal?

you cannot be bound to a contract which is unconscionable....go research some case law on contracts and what is considered unconscionable. and yes, it's your fault for not reading the contract. ignorance to the law isn't a defense.

Anyone know about Baby bonus n hst?

Was just wondering if anyone in Ontario knows when baby bonus n hst come in December. I'm waiting on that to do "santas" shopping. Thanks a bunch

I accidentally pressed "free access" on wagjag and it took me to a page saying I had just confirmed a purchase?

So I was on Wagjag and there was this crappy calendar for $9.99 plus shipping plus hst and it had this big button "free access". I pressed this button and all of a sudden I'm at a page that says I have just purchased this calendar. Does free access mean I dont have to pay for it, because usually it says "Buy for $9.99" not "free access". Thanks :)

Is it normal to have bumps on the inner lip part of the vagina?

i have like 2 or 3 but there is only one that you can actually see and its pink and it hurts and it burns when i use the bathroom it couldnt be any sexual decease because im 11 and ofcourse i havent had any sex just maturbation and thats it but anyway is this bump normal what is something i could do to get them to go away without going to the docter please help

Social Security question..?

My aunt is filing for custody over my brother and I. We both get social security checks for $650 each; for having a deceased parent (my mom). My dad is not mentally well to take care of us, and has been abusing the usage of the checks. My aunt needs financial help, and she was going to to do so with our ss checks. But we cannot get a hold of it, because my dad is the official payee. He left the house, and wont talk to any of us. Can my aunt take the court paper, that states she is filing for custody, and ask the social security worker to change the payee for now. She will get finalized as payee when she becomes our guardian, but this will take about 5 months. So can she get the checks untill then?

What would you do in my position? (long, but PLEASE read)?

My opinion would be to kick him out ,put him on child support ,get a part time job and raise your baby girl..I know its always better said then done and im sure you love him but at the same time i believe you love your daughter more.For her to be so young and you have the system in your mix,the one thing they lookin at is that your young and whether say it or not they dont think you can do it raising her to the best of your ability at your age and ill tell you from experience it can be done.i had the system in my mix early because i was 15 with a baby but by the age of 16 i was a high school graduate with a one yr old and a 18 i moved on my own.i started in low income n moved my way 23 with two kids 7&3 a state tested nursing assistant and i do it by myself.the help i get comes from a man that didnt even help me make my kids.SO with this do what is best for your angel because being with him and his weed problem will put u in a situation that may force u to fight to get ur baby back and you dont want that..Hope this helps some way for you.give you something to think about.KNOW YOU CAN DO IT WITH AND WITHOUT HIM!!

How much do under-run heels affect a horse?

My friend is interested in buying a gelding. He's a great horse in general, but he's got a few little problems, and one of them is under-run heels-- but neither she or I know how big of a problem that is. How do under-run heels affect performance? The gelding's toes actually aren't too long like I would have expecte, but the heels are bad-- the hair above his heels is almost touching the ground. Would they affect his ability to be ridden, and are they fixable?

Canada Bullion question?

I have a question about bullion delivery from the U.S. to Canada. Do you have to pay HST on the bullion that you buy in Ontario? thanks

Should I tell my psychiatrist that I've been doing Percocet once a week for a year now?

Every Saturday I take two 5mg percocets to get high. I don't believe it's a problem and I am certainly not addicted. I mean seriously... Once a week is no harm! I have been doing for about 10 months now and I am extremely disciplined in my consumption. I know too much about the drug and its addictive properties. Caution and strong control is my priority. No tolerance has been built or anything. I get the same feeling every time I do 10 mgs. I do it because it gives me energy (oddly) and it eliminates my anxiety. Also, it's an amazing investment considering my financial stability. I live with my parents which earn less than 30,000 a year altogether. I rather spend 5 dollars for 8 hours of joy than 20 dollars to watch a movie and eat somewhere (way more if I go out on a date). So yea, my real question is if disclosing this information would jeopardize my ability to obtain ADHD medication? I think I might have ADHD because i've been having a hard time focusing, concentrating, and memorizing stuff. I also think i suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness.I am 18 years old and I've been experiencing these symptoms since i was like 13. I have already been in a car (not my fault but totally avoidable) accident due to drowsiness. I'm taking action now because I'll be starting school (University) in less than 2 months. I plan on studying medicine and I don't want my problems ruining my chances of getting into medical school. So yea, what do you think? Oh i think I'm going to get beta blockers for my social anxiety. Nothing that serious just that my hands tend to shake a bit when I do hands on stuff in front of people.

2010 tax in bc canada?

The form is right, there is no refund, it has been combined with the quarterly GST credit, so no lump sum

Am I a hypocrite about race?

Recently I asked if judge Belvin Perry has a speech problem because he says pacifically instead of specifically and bofe & wiff & axe instead of both & with & ask. As expected, I got slammed. One responder said that there are various accents across the USA. I maintain that it is not an accent issue. This guy is a respected judge and cannot pronounce these words correctly. It bothers me that he has so much education and cannot speak proper English. On the other hand, until I retired, I used to commute by bus and there was a young black guy that got on the bus most days. He would be dressed in his baggies and always wore a hoodie pulled over his head. I could see a lot of white folks looking at him with that look that young guys dressed like that get. My first thought was that the poor guy has a job to go to and has to ride this bus with a bunch of fat bitchie white women. One day he got on the bus with another young guy who had a problem with his pay check and I offered to help as that was my area of expertise. That began a friendship that lasted for two or three years, despite the fact that he spoke ghetto language that often I could barely understand. We were two of the most unlikely candidates for a friendship that one could imagine. Me, an old white guy in his 50's with a good education, he a young black guy barely out of highschool. But I liked the guy and he liked me. He particularly liked my candor and soon learned that he could be candid with me. It became fun to watch the looks on the faces of some of the people on the bus when we would ask questions like who is that goofy looking white guy that plays for the warriors or some other question that white & black people are afraid to ask. My question is, how can I be totally unconcerned about this young black kid's ability to speak English and so concerned about Belvin Perry?

Songs about a father and daughter?

No my father is not deceased... but he went to jail, he didn't do it and I miss him, and love him. Any songs to describe this. * PREFERABLY COUNTRY *

Why do the military think Ufo and aliens are always threat to our national security?

Even if they don't attack, why do military consider them a threat? As seen in HollyWood's movies and Ufo Hunters on HST, are they really making the point that we should have never ever been visited by any aliens from any planets at all, and that we want to be lonely in the universe? What about those that doesn't attack us?

Baby mama is this even MY problem?

Welp, some things should just come natural but they can be hard--like telling people to call BEFORE they come to your home..When you send your letter you should call her and tell her that from now on she is to call you BEFORE she comes to your home, if you wanna be nice you can say I am often not dressed for company or I wanna make sure the house is clean or something like that BUT I wouldnt i would just leave it at she best call first.

Why do people still ask for God's evidence when images taken by HST have already proved it ?

I can never believe this incomprehensible expanse of space time is just by chance ! and that too without a beautiful God behind the entire play .

Will I still get a HST cheque?

Didn't file my taxes for 2009, so I did not receive HST cheques. This year I filed for 2009 and 2010. Should I expect a cheque?

How can you cash a refund check that is made out to your deceased parent?

We received a refund check from an auto loan company because they over charged my mom on her loan. The car was actually repossed in 2007. My mom passed away in 2009.

What does this have to do with Israel?

This story was reported by a number of reliable news agencies including the Telegraph, BBC , and the British paper the Daily Mail. I guess its remotely possible they are all wrong but where's there's smoke there's fire. Whatever what a dreadfull message to send out to Israeli children who now feel thats to stone a dog to death is legal and the norm.

Who is the HST (Hubble Space Telescope) named after and why?

Edwin Hubble, a noted astronomer. Perhaps his most notable achievement was the discovery that the universe is expanding. The HST is in fact only named indirectly after Hubble. It is named after it primary mission, which was to find a value for the Hubble constant (itself named after the astronomer), which describes how fast this expansion is happening.

How do I get a HST number? I'm starting my own photography company.?

I live in Toronto and now starting my own photography business. I'm already getting clients and they ask me for my HST number but I don't have one.

If info was given out in your deceased son murder case that was not supposed to be given out what can I do?

My son was killed , and records of witness statement was given to a non family member and was pass around then I seen them and was informed that a police friend of someone got them for him to read, isn't this against the law, will it hurt my son trial, will his killer go free if this wa ever made known to his attorney, please help me

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Please be completely honest with me, do I have any future in basketball?

Hey, I'm a 14 year old boy, I'm 5'8, 120lbs, and have a 6 foot wingspan. My vertical leap is around 3ft-3ft and a half. In my last year of middle school, I missed all but 3 games due to a knee sprain and only averaged 0.0ppg 2apg and 2rpg in those two games. This summer I decided I needed more help and more exposure to competetive play since my High School is only a single A school, so I decided to join the new AAU team my hometown was putting together for the first time this year. To be honest, we suck, we have only had one tournament, and lost the first two games by 30pts or more, and won the last game by forfeit because the team we were gonna play lost 54 to 1. But anyway, in the tournament, I scored 10pts in the first game against a team called SQBA, ant then I scored 12 in my second against the "Young Ballerz" so I guess thats 11ppg, I also had 2apg and 4rpg in this tournament. So if I continue to practice my all around game, will I have any future in basketball? Like how far do you think I could get? My teamates compare me to Ray Allen because of my shooting ability, although I wasn't a three point shooter in the begining of the AAU season, just a mid-range shooter, but ever since my coach forced the three point shot on me, I went from 20% behind the line to 34%. I am also a 87% free throw shooter, but lack dribbling ability, I don't drive to the basket often, in fact, I only lay the ball in on fastbreaks, I'm not a physical player, or one of those emotional leaders that get hyped up every second, I don't block shots or steal the ball, I just play solid on ball deffense. Would I have any future in basketball at my current position of Shooting Guard and my secondary position of Point guard and Small Forward?

If I claim disabled widows benefits on my US husbands work record in the USA is it taxable in the UK?

I have been told that I have an entitlement to claim as a disabled widow on my deceased American husbands work record (social security number). He served 21 years in the US military. I am British, now living back in the UK. I had a social security number and green card in the US but only worked there for a short period and have no work record there. Would I pay tax on any money I received and if so who to. Would it be worthwhile making a claim?

What are the three component systems of HST (Hubble Space Telescope)?

also how often and how fast does it orbit around Earth? & what is one advantage to having it located BEYOND Earth's atmosphere besides for better viewing since stuff gets in the way when it is closer to earth?

My mother had lots of bills charged to her by her, now deceased son. Probably about $10,000 worth of credit?

card debt. She OWNS her home. Can she file bankruptcy on these bills. These debts are at least 8 years old. She doesn't have the income to pay. Apparently he got cards in my dad's and her name and maxed them out.(my dad just recently died, too) She has paid a lawyer $900 so far and all the lawyer has told mom is to just wait. Seems odd advice for $900.

Reoccuring dream with creepy old lady?

each dream mean something.. i don't know.. but i use a site called "Saysadream" for my dreams and gives answer .. hope it helps u. I help other to know means and other help me :)

What do these dreams mean?

each dream mean something.. i don't know.. but i use a site called "Saysadream" for my dreams and gives answer .. hope it helps u. I help other to know means and other help me :)

Will this affect my skating ability?

Yeah that can definitely affect your ability and can slow you down and cause you to have less balance

I have been watching the Casey Anthony trial and the defense presented a medical examiner who did a second?

The defense team for Casey Anthony is now putting on there people to give their ideas on how they might have done things differently then the previous medical examiners,the FBI or CSI have done.That's all they are doing to make the jury look at different things that were done in a different way.

Is the HST capable of focusing further,past its Ultra Deep Field?

Probably not. There is a certain distance at which the apparent velocity of recession = the speed of light. At that point (and further out, if there IS anything further out) the wavelength of electromagnetic energy will appear to be infinite, and so the electromagnetic waves from such an object can never be detected.

Can I achieve an MBA from ryerson university, after completing my applied business degree from seneca college?

Here is the college program a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

A little finacial advice?

Go to a tax preparation buisness like hr block they will make sure you get the maximum return. If you wwant to do your taxes on your own still go to a professional just to see what they do to get you to that refund amount first. You don't have to file with them if you don't want to

Computer trouble. please help.?

i have a dell, windows xp computer that does not have the ability to recieve wireless internet (wi-fi). i need to know what i need to add to my computer that will allow it to access my mobile hotspot.

Any one want to help with my book/video game idea?

I have an original idea about a character (no name as of yet) who possess a supernatural ability to extract peoples memories and point view from their eyes (the game will be called contacts).I know it sounds a little out of whack but at least it is original.Not only from people but any living (or dead) being.For example a dog,black and white vision along with the added abilities of keen sense,or a farmer and knowledge of agriculture and a different attitude or perspective of a lawyer.The problem with my idea is that it obviously must be elaborated on and it has no problem or plot.And I am only 15.

What is "HST" in Canada (Ontario), I know it's some kind of tax but what exactly and how much?

I'm looking at a 2 week training package in Canada and they replied to my query saying it's x amount and hst. What % is hst? Thanks.

My sons Dad and I have a shared custody agreement. I have him 4x a week, he has him 3x a week...?

He applied for half of the child tax benefits, and was granted it last month. Does anyone know if this only applies to child tax? Should he be receiving the gst/hst portion as well? (Parents out there will know what I'm talking about, you get a larger amount of gst return depending on the number of children you have.)

Horrible names for my niece or nephew!?

Family names are not sacred cows. If names are ugly, they should be left in the long ago past. Those are some ugly names. Poor kids. ~ ~ ~

Atheists : Why do you have more faith in man made things like HST rather than word of God mentioned in bible ?

I dont need to have faith in man made things. Faith is not necessary for things that actually exist.

Can my landlord take my gst/hst away?

i got an eviction notice today and my landlord threatened to take apply to take away my gst/hst and baby bonus and get it so that he receives my money instead of me. can he actually do this

Does GST or HST apply to medical supplies from USA?

I realise that they are zero based or exempted if bought in canada. Now, I am thinking buying the same item thru mail order from the USA.

About the Canada Child Tax Benefit?

The Canada Child Tax Benefit takes about 2 mths to process, it could be quicker depending on your area. It is based off your previous years income tax return so I hope you filed it. If you have already signed up for direct deposit for income tax/GST, it will be deposited into your account provided that you checked the appropriate box on the form on or near the 20th of every month (December being the exception since it arrives early). I have 4 kids and it took approx 2 months to be processed for each of them. There is good news though, the government will back pay you however long it takes to process the application.

Simple Morality Test. Do we really need Religion to have Moral Standards?

Anyone who needs a religion or a book to know the difference between right and wrong is some kind of sociopath.

Are there techniques that improve retaining memory. like details?

I'm memorable about certain events in my life. i want to improve it a lot. are there techniques that hone memory and give you the ability to remember very specific details. like, photographic memory.

Can deceased family members garden from beyond?

100 yr old family home was torn down last year. Since then flowers are coming up all by themselves. My mom gardened like crazy and now the lot is awash in petunias, hollyhocks, morning glorys and some others I don't know. A poppy showed up even. Just wondering if I have a ghostly helper. I didn't plant any of these flowers. Like to think my mom is still gardening.

How much is my winchester model 94-30 worth?

* Your Winchester 30-30 was Manufactured in 1898 according to Winchester Production Records.* It is worth a Minimum of $1200.00 Dollars.* Your Model 1890 22 WRF is worth a Minimum of $700.00 Dollars.*

Can I claim hst for car expenses?

Like gas and repairs, if I have a full time job and do business on the side and use the car for both business & pleasure.

Why does Michelle Bachmann refuse to answer the question asked.?

She's running for president, and news media just thought she was another looney. Now she is a dangerous looney, and all of her lies and deceptions are being exposed. And she has plenty of the.

Secreting a colorless fluid in penis all

3 weeks ago i have a problem with comes out with two much pressure..then after one week when i tried to masturbate i secret blood and a yellow thick fluid...after that all the urinating problem solved.but i went to consult a doctor,and he gave me 2 tests. urine culture & kidney x ray..after the tests results are normal. but after 1 week i am always secreting a colorless fluid in the tip of my penis. always secret 90% of the time. i am worried. is it a major decease. i have not done any sexual relationship with anyone.please suggest me

Monday, July 18, 2011

In canada how much tax am I supposed to charge for cross province services provided?

I reside in ontario but I performed work for a company in BC, I charged GST but no PST/HST, but they said that was incorrect.... help please?

What happens at a funeral when the body of the deceased has not been found?

There is not a burial and depending on the family the will still have a service and sometimes just an empty casket that is closed.

Is it legal to charge Ontario HST on phone cards?

I'm on a prepaid plan with Bell, and I usually go to Shoppers Drug Mart to buy the cards. They always charge me HST. The other day, I went to No Frills instead and I didn't pay HST ( on the phone card or the iTunes card that I bought). Can Shoppers legally charge me HST?

There is a car which is not in use and has not moved from its parking slot for past 2 years. Owner is deceased?

The car owner's daughter in law is occupying the flat in our co-operative housing society in Mumbai. Please advise whether the car can be removed because of the above stated reason from the parking slot and space made available for another car for parking.

Is it possible to see NGC 604 in the Triangulum galaxy?

No not with a 4" scope, it is listed as 14.0 magnitude, and not a point source, so that would take a 10" or better aperture, under typical conditions.

Can I obtain Portuguese citizenship if my great-grandmother was a Portuguese Jew?

Hello, on my paternal side of the family my great-grandmother (mother of my fathers mother) was a Sephardic Jew (from Portugal.) However, my grandmother and my father (as well as his siblings) never obtained Portuguese citizenship. I know that the Spanish government offers a reduced time for someone to obtain citizenship if they are of Spanish Sephardic ancestry, however I was wondering if the Portuguese government offers anything similar? The main problem I think is that my great-grandmother and grandmother have deceased; my father and his siblings however are still alive. I can speak some Portuguese but nowhere near 100% fluency, I can however speak fluent Spanish, as my family is all from Nicaragua (where my the Portuguese Jewish grandmother emigrated to as well.) Would it be easier for me if I applied for Spanish citizenship instead? I am an American citizen and my desire is to obtain EU citizenship so I can move to Europe for cheaper graduate school. Thank you for your help, I understand if this is a little complicated.

Wal-mart charged me HST and GST?

Some of those things will have been taxed at 5%, some at 13%, and some at 0%. I expect Wal-mart is showing the amounts separately so they can keep good accounting records of what they sell at the different rates.

Why do atheists want to believe that death is the end?

I don't get it, don't you guys want to hope that you will be reunited with your deceased loved ones, again? Why give up all hope for a happy ending to this story? After all, hope is all we really have. :(

What's a nice response to my friend to something a bit kooky she wrote me?

I'd honor what she feels about it whether or not you agree with her conclusions. So in other words, I wouldn't share your thoughts because they will only make her feel bad and you can't prove or disprove things like that. So just go with it, especially since it evokes fond memories in her. You're a good friend to your friends, E and a very caring person.

Advice on applying to University?

Universities only look at your grade 12 marks. They will look at your grade 11 marks only for early acceptance. Otherwise they are negligible. When you start grade 12 they will give you a book or a website where you can look at the acceptance averages. They vary from year to year and from school to school. But also keep in mind if you are having problems with sciences now you may want to be open to other programs because science doesn't get easier when you go to university. Trust me I'm currently doing it. But based on your grade 11 grades i dont think you will have any major problems. Just work hard.

Can collection agencies view amounts available in bank accounts?

When negotiating with a CA and before any judgement is rendered, do they have the ability to see the balances in the account? I've had them tell me to put the collection amount on un-used credit cards because they saw the available balance- is this true for all accounts?

Dreaming of my deceased brother in law...?

i think u r really depressed and hurt by his death and u miss him a lot.. is there something that u wanted to tell him before his death coz the dream indicates that u want to tell him something but then he disappears before u can convey it to him... so there is nothing to worry its normal and wil be fine in a few days wen u will recover completely from this sad news...

Find record of a WW2 Veteran (deceased)?

Check with the county recorders office, you might even find his discharge papers DD214 provided that they were recorded by him.

How do I write and read, being less analytical about the literary use?

I used to write brilliantly before, imaginatively and creatively, but now it's gone to my head that if I stop reading books and preoccupying myself in story, poem-writing, english-kind of activities my writing will falter. Now whenever I write, I analyse everything I think of. Each word seems alien, as if I'm only using phrases I know to make up what I write. I keep analysing my sentence structure, and hope I'm not using too many connectives because there's always that thing at the back of my head-that I wouldn't get such good grades if I didn't work so hard to get them. I believe that I really don't have much talent. I am 12, I know this sounds like a bit of a useless thing to think of at 12. :) Too many connectives indicates lack of knowledge in actual ways to vary sentences, and I feel like I'm only getting away with descriptive language. Can you give me a bit of a lecture to get my imagination back into gear and get me reading and writing with the flow again. Even when I read I feel like I don't have the actual ability, like I'm analysing everything as I do in Language lessons. Adjectives, amount of adjectives, originality. What really bugs me now as well, is that I don't read for pleasure, only to "get back" my skill. Can you help me to get back to my original state?

How do I calculate HST?

Does anyone know how to calculate HST? Also how much would a $299.99 electronic cost if HST were to be added to it? I heard HST was 15% but, not sure ;/

How do I charge this tax to my customer? Canada?

We have a small business in Ontario. We occasionally ship to a location in Quebec, but the invoice gets sent to the company's head office in Ontario, with HST at 13%. I have trouble collecting these invoices because the company says I should be charging QST. I do not have a QST account to collect QST on behalf of the province of Quebec. My accountant says that because it's invoiced to Ontario, that is the jurisdiction and I should be billing under Ontario's tax system anyway, no matter where the actual product is shipped. Does anyone know? Has anyone else encountered this?

I have a question about marriage..?

Soo..lets say you meet the women or man of your dreams and you marry and it works out perfectly, but what if they die..would you remarry? or would you stay dedicated to your deceased spouse???

Why so I need to pay these extra charges?

About a month ago, I ordered something with a value or $27 on an online clothing store in china (I live in Canada). I used my card to pay for the item and shipping fees right when I ordered and so I believed that was it and I got my packages 3 days later. About a month later, meaning now, i recieved a mail from FedEx telling me I owe them $17 for customs duty, hst, ancillary service fees, and an advancement fee of $10? What I don't understand is that I paid for everything before the I recieved my item and so why are they mailing me a month later that I owe fees? Can someone explain to me why I have to pay so much on a item that was only $27? I paid for the shipping which was $10.

Pokemon black/white question?

how can i get dream world abilities on my pokemon? please indicate step by step how to get into the dream world and how to get my pokemon the ability. for example, i would like to have a drought ninetales and drizzle politoad, but how do i access the dream world and all that? i have wifi but do i need to make a special account or need a certain item? Thank you for the help and again, please be descriptive :)

A dream that really bothered me...?

I see it as life goes on. She didn't abandon you, she just went on ahead. She had left the store, while you stayed behind to help and to live.

Why is the head of my penis, and foreskin sticky? I am 15 and i have never had sex.?

Its been like this for as long as i can remember. Its just that i haven't thought about until now. At first i thought it was a decease or something but since i have never had sex, that is not possible right?

Michael Jackson was the GREATEST entertainer of ALL time!!?

Who else agree? Simple yes or no. If you have something negative to say about MJ, don't comment. Be respectful of the deceased.

How much do students tithe on Sundays?

Christians do not have to tithe give as the Lord leads you. Any one that tells you that you have to tithe is a false teacher do not have any thing to do with them.

Magic the Gathering Commander Question?

So can your commander be unsummoned or bounced back to your hand or not in this version of the game? One More question also, say my opponent has a creature that says sacrifice and it deals damage and you use an instant such as lightning bolt, can they say that in response they are going to sacrifice it or tap and use its ability making the lightning bolt miss? The same question with land if you try and use a permanent destruction instant to destroy a land, can they tap it and add it to their mana pool before it is destroyed?

When buying used goods, why are we paying HST or VAT.?

HST or VAT have already been paid by the original purchaser. Why pay again? The government is getting taxes, twice for doing nothing!

How to I get Cheats for FightNight Champion?

Need Infinite Health. and ability to build stats in Ranked fights,also Stats in online Championship..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why doesn't the US gov't bolster the economy by halting the practice of playing policeman to the world?

It seems like it would make free up significant funds for debt repayment and infrastructure improvement if the US govt did not fund so many other foreign interests. Take China for instance. While I am not in favor of communism, they do have a sound financial footing and have the ability to fund massive projects to create jobs internally. Thoughts/opinions welcome.

Hi I need to put this in Other words for my Resume, Can you please help me?

"To obtain a challenging position in a demanding hospital setting in which my established nursing skills and experience will be fully utilized while simultaneously Providing me the opportunity to further develop and enhance my nursing knowledge, skills, and abilities." Please help me, I need it fast for a job!

Windows Mac Or Linux?

All have their pros and cons, what do you recommend for someone with moderate computer ability. If LInux, name the distro

Has anyone ever come to you and claimed to have spoken with a deceased loved one?

This happened to my daughter recently, when someone she had met once or twice claimed to have been in contact with her deceased sister. Although some of the details fit, they were also rather general, except for one thing which was remarkably accurate and really had nothing to do with her sister but did have to do with me. I am highly skeptical of such claims, if not completely disbelieving, but wonder how others in this situation have reacted.

How should we remember/honor my fiance's deceased father during our wedding?

My soon to be husband's father passed away almost four years ago. Sadly this was about two months before I met my fiance so I never had the pleasure of meeting him. We are now planning our wedding and I need some ideas on how to make him a part of the wedding, my fiance just keeps telling me to decide what to do because he doesn't care.I need some help.

Are hst trains always pushed ie power provided from the rear?

There's one engine; the car at the other end that looks like an engine isn't. They're designed for push/pull so they don't have to run the engine around the train at the terminals when they reverse direction.

Does anyone know what color this is....? (nail polish) see more info!?

This one looks very similar: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Are there any photos of Jupiter's "surface"?

I have seen many pics of Jupiter from the outside taken from the HST or spaceships like Voyager. I know that when Galileo ended its misson, it dived into Jupiter's atmosphere and stopped working.. So what i really want to know is if Galileo managed to take any photos of Jupiter's inner clouds right before it ceased functioning.

Why does the inside of the body freezer at the vet have an odor to it?

If all of the bodies in it are adequately frozen (which they are; that sucker is COLD) there shouldn't be an odor, right? The odor isn't strong or anything and it doesn't necessarily smell like rotting corpses, but I went down to the basement to put the body of a deceased cat into it and a faint smell wafted up towards me. Like I said, it doesn't smell like rotting corpses, but it's not exactly a pleasant odor either.

How to obtain licence for a home-made vehicle?

I've recently lost my job and I have no money to pay for gas.I am thinking about making a 'Kitten-Pulling Chariot' using my deceased grandmother's wheelchair and 30 stray kittens.Any suggestions? How to obtain a licence for my new vehicle?

Teens, what is it like to have a loved one in jail?

My uncle is being charged with fraud after being accused of stealing a deceased man's money. The deceased man's brother, who is suffering from dementia, accused him and was somehow found competent by a judge to press those charges. He is only serving 18 months, but I am so close to him. Almost a year ago my fiance suffered a miscarriage when she was nearly 5 months pregnant. It really took a toll on me because I was only 17 at the time and I sacrificed a college scholarship to raise my baby girl. Anyway, my uncle really helped me a lot and without him, I don't think I could have gotten through the pain and saved my relationship. It sounds corny and sh*t but I can't even imagine life without my uncle around everyday for his constant support.

Going to Court over credit card debt. Please help!?

They will probably garnish your wages if you are employed. If you own a home they might attach a lien on the property. I know they won't lock you up. Contact Wells Fargo to see if you can set up a payment plan. Remember, your credit is very important. You auto insurance rates are based on it and sometimes your employment. Good luck.

Undead Hunter Pets WOW?

I just started playing WOW and im at lvl 14. I searched for some answers on this but cant find any so Im asking here. So I am playing the undead hunter and I got a spider "pet". I have all the pet abilities and when i try to tame a different pet i get a message saying that i already have the maximum. Dose that mean I can only get one pet the whole game? How would I change if I could?

My ability to draw is gone/fading, Is there anything?

I have been drawing since I was very little and all my teachers were impressed at my skill. After a few years of drawing I even started to draw thing like people, cars, landscape and it was amazing. But, life has been busy lately between work, finding a place, and maintaining my truck and my skill has faded. I can't even draw daffy duck anymore. is there anything I can do to refresh my skill?

I am attracted to flies, is this normal?

I tried to spank one when I felt frisky and killed it, now I walk around in black mourning my deceased lover.

How far do you think technology has come? Are we playing God?

There is no such thing as "crossing the line" when it comes to knowledge, science and technology.

Is this an authentic hadith?

who died memorized the Quran. never be separated from the ablution, each time off, he returned to the sacred ablution, never leave the congregational prayer 5 times.

I want to have a lucid dream. expierences anyone?

try going to bed early, for some reason your dreams will often be more vivid. and when having a vivid dream all you have to do is realize your dreaming. for example look for any oddities or things that don't make sense. another way to find out your dreaming is if you are unable to turn on lights. once you figure out your dreaming just go with it and try to hang on to your dream as long as you can before waking up. and i have smoked pot for years to and i still dream.

The physical relationship to the physical , how can I mature my perception?

Sounds to me like the guy was a cold priick to you. Don't let him off with it. You may not get to confront him, but don't excuse him either. Shame on him.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

For those who grew up in emotionally abusive families.....?

my dad-left me basically tramautized.....took me a long time to get over it.....right not im basically indifferent and just think of his as a normal individual........had to forgive him and stop hating him......hating him was too stressful and took up took up too much time.......i never picked up the phone when he called....(about 8 yrs ago, when my mother and him got divorced) now he doesn.t call......he sent me emails for a while and i sent back short was my birthday a few weeks ago and he has stopped sending me bday cards (starting this year) im perfectly fine with that......if i saw him today, i would be civil to him....

What do you think of this character of mine?

I love your character!! Ive made characters myself. my fave character that I have made is named Ryley Ambrosia. she is half valkyrie & half witch. she is in a wiccan covent. since she is a valkyrie, she has small fangs and pointy ears (like an elf) she has the ability to see the future (soothsayer) & can read peoples minds. she has long black hair, green eyes (changes when feeling certain emotions), a perfect nose, and plump red lips. I write my own stories & she is the main character in the one I started. its cool to see that other people out there have an awesome imagination! :)

I just received a summons in the mail saying I'm being sued by Wells Fargo...?

Your husband is deceased and your name is not on the mortgage, therefore they have no claim against you. The property is most likely going through foreclosure and every possible person, spelling variations, and known aliases were named on the lawsuit. Your letter and the death certificate should be enough to get you released from the suit.

Do you pay HST on electronics?

I am buying a Blackberry Torch from Virgin Mobile for $170.00. I was wondering if you pay 12% on that. & Also is there an extra charge for getting a new phone since my contract isn`t up yet? Thaanks

I didn't recieve my Gst/hst Credit from the Goverment but?

You're not supposed to open other's peoples mail - stick it back in the envelope and put a big cross over the address indicating "moved" it will get back to the gov't for further handling.

Is it safe for a male to orgasm without ejaculating?

there are ways for a male to do so, something involving in strengthening the ''pc muscle'' and learning to control it better as well as learning to control your breathing or something in that way, but is it safe? why would i do this? well it will give me the ability to have multiple orgasms and yet not have a mess to cleanup.

I recently found a mysterious coin...?

There is no value to this coin . It was attached to something-- probably keys-- and this man wanted to be sure he got them back if he lost them. The reward was for returning whatever was with that tag

Is there any stimulating Benzodiazepine that promotes energy and doesn't impair cognition?

I think I have a little bit of social phobia and I want to know what medication is best for me. My hands tend to shake when I have to do something hands on in front of people. I also sweat and my hear rate sky rockets. Anyways, I know that Psyches prescribe Benzos for these situations but I don't want to become retarded. Benzodiazepines impair cognitive ability and I don't want that to happen to me... I'm already having trouble with my memory and reasoning skills. I'm also extremely tired during the day and I'm pretty sure Benzos will just worsen that. I want to get good grades in college (i want to go to med school). They also prescribe SSRIs and SNRIs but they also make you retarded. I would like an Amphetamine but most likely I wont get that since i must suffer from ADHD or Narcolepsy. So do you know of any medication that gives energy like Adderall but takes away my anxiety like a benzo?

Should I sign a paper allowing my 2 brothers to be the executors of estate over me?

My father recently passed away and our family has moved forward with the ironing-out of the more complex details of his life. His death was very unexpected so the paperwork is not very clear. The only official will lists his wife who is also deceased at the moment. My question is at a recent family meeting, we have discussed what is going to happen in the future with establishing an estate and we have all agreed that the assets will be divided 4 ways between all 4 siblings, but that 2 of my brothers will be made the executors on behalf of all 4. In order for this to happen my family has told me I and my other brother will need to sign off allowing them to become executors. Should I do this? Or should I ask to also be named an executor? My only concern is that the executors will not be fair in dividing up the assets.

Am I considered a self employed dental hygienist? If so, do I just pay income tax, etc. at the end of the year?

If your giving the dentist an "invoice" and there is no taxes coming out of your check then Im sorry I have a feeling your considered self employed. Which means you are now responsible for all taxes............ Im Curious how much do you get paid an hour ?? ......................You loose a lot having to pay your own taxes therefore you should charge him extra because of that. I have to say I have only ever seen Dentists be self employed, never hygiene. See an accountant for your taxes, trust me you don't want to screw that up. Chances are you have to file monthly, or quarterly for estimated taxes, then of course end of year. See a professional because the fines are horrible if you get it wrong.

Has Anyone Received Their HST rebate check yet, that is due this month ?

Yes , the weekend interfered with regular dates (10th) You should get it through the mail(Delayed xmas) next week. Go with direct deposit.

Where I can make friends for improve my english anyone want to help?

Read books in English, magazines, anything you can find. Take English classes, and do your homework. Watch soundtrack English-language DVDs, and study the subtitles, both in English and in Thai. Improving your English takes hard work and commitment, and will not always be fun. It seems that so many Thais don't want to do something if it's not fun. How about you?

Is my ferret depressed or possibly sick?

I am glad to hear that you had 4 ferrets total and not just the 2 bonded ones. Ferrets become very bonded to each other and their owner. If Patches was bonded with the one you lost and not the other so much, it will be especially hard for him. I have had that problem before as well. As long as Patches has had his cage mates for a while I wouldn't be too worried. He will probably be depressed for a while. Just give him lots of attention and keep an eye on him.

What should I do about my "backwards" family?

My cousin is in her early twenties and on her own living with her longterm boyfriend, whom she plans to marry in the future. I am also in my early twenties but I just finished college so I'm living with my parents looking for a job, and boyfriend less so when I say she has her own life unlike me, that's what I mean. Anyway, she recently told me that they are having a baby and I couldn't be happier for her, but she's scared to death to tell my mom, aunt and grandma (her parents are deceased) because our family is Catholic and she is afraid that they will be angry at her for not being married, which they will be. I think this is ridiculous. When she finally tells them, how can I make them see how things are different in the world now and that it's not the 50s anymore without offending them? It's her life and they shouldn't be angry at her for living her life, at least that's how I see it...

I have a very personal question... answer please?

hmm...well you dont need to quit all together, Orgasm's are good for your prostate, a person who masterbates alot will have less of a chance at prostate cancer. Now, what I can tell you to do is try to cut down to 3-4 times a week, that will keep you from going a week and feeling horney all the time and getting tempted and breaking it out when you feel it... Acne, I dont think there is a relationship between acne and pimples... but if there is, wash your face every time after you do it...

Parent plus loan question?

I'm technically an independent student because my parents dont have the ability to pay for my tuition. But I still need the Plus loan to meet my college expense, can I still sign up for it ?

Hubbles Space Telescope (HST)?

For science one of my questions are: "Tiny flaws in the lens of HST were only one of several problems hindering this wonderful instrument. List five other difficulties scientists faced before the 'bugs' in HST were ironed out" PLEASE HELP ME! I've looked everywhere for more information but can't find any. Your help is greatly needed. In advance THANKYOU!

I keep getting emails from people asking for my details?

hey be wise don't believe on that.. i had lot's of emails same way from you too so i ignore it and i know it's likely scam and losses you a thousand of money if you do believe on them.

Would you agree that Kabuto is the most powerful character as of now?

So in Naruto, Kabuto managed to use the technique that allows one to bring back dead people. Wouldn't that make him one of the strongest shinobi in Naruto, if the not the best since he can just use that technique to summon armies of kages, missing-nin, deceased akatsuki members, etc.? What's your opinion?

Will my father still have to pay for my college education?

He is probably more mad at your mother than at you. Hell I would be mad at a gold digger who refuses to get a job

Help, need advice on future jobs.?

Hi, i'm 13 years of age and i'm unsure of where my life will go in the future. I'm very business orientated and have thought about starting a technology start-up for a while reasons being money, power, interests and the excitement factor. My family backround has had some influence on this as well as my dad and uncle own a very successful business which has gone on to make millions. I have also been making business plans since I was 6! But I also like the idea of becoming a teacher. But I don't think the salary is enough as when I look at normal houses etc I don't like them and I wouldn't want to live in them to be honest. Although I am currently living in a normal house as my parents aren't together and my mum's average when it comes to salary. I also love cars and would love to be able to afford expensive ones when I'm older. My uncle has a ferrari F430 spider and my dad has a range rover sport HST. I don't feel that I would be able to live an average life. Please could I have advice, I am very confused. I forgot to mention that I also love technology and that i'm not spoiled as i'm only aloud what an average child is aloud. If I want something that is over that 'budget' I have to save Christmas money ETC...

HST on cancellation fees?

I have a gas supply contract with a supplier. I am cancelling the contract with an early cancellation charges. The supplier is charging HST on this cancellation fees. I do not think this is correct as HST is on sale of goods, not on cancellation of services. Anyone in similar situation with say Bell or Rogers who have charged HST for any contract cancellation ?

Crysis 2 (xbox 360) How do i use abilities?

Like when u click select and it says X B Y A all those buttons i but module but how do i use what i got

Isn't the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) out of date?

I don't mean broken or anything... But I'm sure it could be replaced with a more reliable Telescope or satellite which could do it's job better.

Just got crysis 2 and am experiencing troubles with my xbox360 reading the disc as a DVD?

Got it over ebay and it got here today When i take it out of the box i noticed the back of the disk is blue... i have never seen this before so i am just wondering what this is, and if it is affecting my xbox's ability to read it.

How many knows that TODAY, one cannot get a loan on a home if you do not planned to live there?

The NEW federal financial reform prohibits people from getting loans on houses one wants to rent. My deceased mom's house has been up for sale for a year--no bites--i want to buy it to rent it--for investment im putting 50% down and i cannot get a loan because i wont be living there. What is going on? What right does the federal government have to restrict people from investing in property? No wonder why the housing market is STILL PLUMMETING

How come matt le tissier never moved to a bigger club?

matt le tissier is famous for his excellent dribbling ability his long range efforts and his set pieces but i always found it strange that even though matt le tissier produced great football worthy of a big club like man u, liverpool or arsenal he never moved from southampton who lets face it were an under average team in the premier league and were involved in the relegation battle nearly every season so why did matt le tissier stay

Okay this might seem weird to you but interesting ...about spirits or ghost.?

that is great :) and yes thats normal my mother had dreams when she was with my dad who was abusive and she told me my great-grandmom warned her he was bad she told me one night she had a dream of her and she told her that she was in danger and to be carefull and while my great-grandmom told her that she smacked her across the face and she woke up along with my dad who woke up at the same time they looked at eachother and they talked about ther dreams turns out the had the same dream only my dad had never met my great-grandmom so when my mom asked him how the woman in his dream looked and he described her to my mom exactlyas she was my mom was in shock and they both had a hand pring on their cheeks. luckily now she has left him and its been 10 years since she lived in that awfull relationship.

How to increase my dogs abilities and wat to feed him?

Ok I have a german shepherd and I want to increase his speed and strength, so can someone give me some tips and a diet for the training and don't saying walking him I take him for a mile walk every day

Should I break up with my girlfriend because of her tattoo?

I have been dating my girlfriend for about 3 years now and about 4 months ago she got a tattoo of her deceased mothers name and a little saying under it on her upper chest. Everytime we have sex it seems to really bother and sometimes she wants me to ejaculate on her face or chest area. Im fine with tattoos but having to look at her deceased mother name while having sex and what not really bothers me but id hate to tell her that. What should I do?

Am I a wolf? was I a wolf in another life? or is it just a dream?

I've been home schooled all my life, I'm going to high school for my last year, I have the anger of a wolf, when I close my eyes I see a black/light brown wolf with a scar like a line going down her right eye, I no it's a girl I can feel it, she's got the same eye colour as me hazel when upset and dark brown when happy or angry, I've got a girlfriend and in my dreams since I first started going out with her there's been another wolf a white one with the same eye colour as my girlfriends blue and they've been nuzzling each other and falling asleep on each other like I do with my girlfriend, I've got good drawing ability tribal mostly but I also enjoy geography and science, I've had a couple of dreams just running through a forest wind blowing in my face and hair/fur, I love walking specially through parks or woods it feels like home, am I a wolf?

Do adults get afflicted with primary complex decease?

you mean primary complex disease not decease . the the child is more affected , primary complex the child usually has weak lungs ,

Friday, July 15, 2011

Two recurring dreams that happen one after another?

I have lots of dreams. The strangest was a pyramid in my pillow would eat my face. Seriously. I think the grandfather one is just you wishing you knew him better. Dunno about your " guy friend". Thats just a random guess thow

How to prepare a prenuptial agreement?

I need to get a really simple prenuptial agreement prepared. The objective is just to keep prior assets as separate property (and any income/proceeds/appreciation in value of prior assets) in the event of seperation and we don't care about any terms relating to the future. The situation is basically that I have a sum of money that my parents inherited from my grandparents and they put it in my care to invest. We now live in different countries and it would be very complicated to transfer the assets without a tax disadvantage. I just want to put their mind at east that it will remain available to them if they want the money. Unfortunately the lawyers I contacted in Toronto quote at the very least $500 + HST for something so simple. Alternatively, there are some legal forms that you can purchase for $25 ( and adapt yourself, but I'm not sure if these are valid documents that would hold up in court. Any advice how to proceed?

Who's your favorite retired superstar?

Edge, Chris Benoit, RVD, and Eddie Guerrero. Hey weren't they all friends as well as Rey Mysterio and Chavo?

What's Your Opinion On Velvet Sky?

Velvet Sky is (in my opinion) one of the best knockouts on Impact. She's got good in ring ability and is great on the mike.

Explain hst without bias?

i dont want any personal opinions, i just want someone to explain hst to me, just the facts. so far i think i understand that we have it instead of pst and now its 10% so now we pay 17% all together with gst instead of 14% when it was pst. i dunno maybe im wrong. i just cant vote for or against it without actually having all the info.

Would this affect my skating ability?

No rlly it actually helps bc ur feet are already slanting while ur skating so u can just take off rather then turning your feet then skating

Why is it that Nasa change up thier discoveries and info?

A major thing about science that most laypeople don't seem to realize, is that it is always changing and evolving. This has absolutely nothing to do with NASA, which is, after all, just a rocket launching facility that really does NO science. Hey, wake up! That's the way SCIENCE operates!

As an American company selling in Canada, i have to charge HST tax. Who do I pay this tax to?

I have no clue on the HST and the GST and nothing i read helps. We export for USA to Canada and I have been told to charge, HST, then I was told to charge GST.... Lost...

Reoccurring dream with a creepy old lady?

Spirits do come within our dreams to communicate, and or use pictures to tell a story, communicating something, you have to ascertain what it means to you since it's your dream these spirit that came to you. Perhaps the old lady is a ghost on the job site that's angry because you don't pay her no attention. And your Aunt came to help you to understand, and black stands for death......I do believe and see some type of meaning and communication in this dream. Think about it some, and the answer will eventually come to you.

Is the military that bad?

The military exists for one reason. Freedom - our society - has booms and recessions. These happen all the time and we've all heard of them. However, kept from mosts knowledge is the fact that the booms get shorter and shallower and the recessions get longer and deeper. Eventually the booms become unnoticeable and the recession becomes apparently permanent: We're at that point presently! So, in order to regenerate the boom cycle, large quantities of work MUST be engineered. A significant reduction in the number of people seeking employment is also very helpful at this time, for regenerating the boom cycle. To create large quantities of work and reduce significantly the number of people seeking work, our rulers use an instrument called warfare! The military destroys everything it can - thereby creating employment for reconstruction - the war kills extremely large numbers of people (especially soldiers) and afterwards freedom once again enjoys the boom cycle of growth and prosperity - for a few years anyway. Soldiers are cannon fodder! They are killed off in large numbers so 'freedom' can regain the boom cycle. That is an overview of how 'freedom' works.

My father who just passed had a mental illness?

I'm very sorry. You should be more happy than sad since he'd been through much in his life with all the bipolar illness. And death is salvation.. Your dad is resting in peace now, isn't this much better than him living with bipolar and staying away from his kids and missing them and collecting toys for them? Just look up in the sky and smile to him and tell him it doesn't matter if he'd dead, he'd always be in your heart because that's where you kept him all your life. Love you.

Next in line for a monarchy?

Not normally. She would probably be a Lady (name) if her father had a title. The King may decide to create her a princess but this has not be very customary in the past.

How would u record the following in the general journal?

Credit bank with the total and debit the individual nominal accounts with the nett and the sales tax account with the tax

Why are the REMAINING goldfish in My family aquarium bleeding though their scales?

Sorry, by now all are infected. It started when one of the fish was sick and it was contagious. You pour the liquid medicine to slow, improve , etc the tank after a through cleanup. However, it will take a very long time for the fish to be its former self again. So my suggestion, give them away to a school, etc. and you start all over again.

Kitten-Pulling chariot?

I've recently lost my job and I have no money to pay for gas.I am thinking about making a 'Kitten-Pulling Chariot' using my deceased grandmother's wheelchair and 30 stray kittens.Any suggestions?I'm 170 cm tall and 143 lbs.

Should I spay my rats?

The only way to find out is call your local exotic animal clinic and find out as to cost and stuff. They can give you advice on those things.

Can a street sign named after a famous person be turned into a postcard for sale?

I took a photo of a street sign named after a famous person. Can I sell it as a postcard? Or do I need the estate permission (the person is deceased)? The photo is just the sign with the person's name. No photo of the person or his likeness will be featured on the postcard.

What's this movie about magic called?

I recall watching a movie a few years back about a couple hiring a sort of a magician to contact the woman's recently deceased wealthy father. I remember the film being quite comedic in nature, with the hired magician serving as the comic relief. Also, the movie ends with the dead father taking over his daughter's husband's body, without the daughter suspecting anything.

What are some possible liabilities of a business?

I have an accounting project (Gr. 10) and I'm doing a balance sheet for a nail salon. What are some liabilities that a nail salon would have? I have already included Bank Loan, Personal Loan, Income tax payable, HST payable, and three separate accounts payables. We need around 15 liabilities, what are some more that I can use? Creative ones are great too. Thanks in advance

How do we split an estate with a will?

There is a house, & fairly large tract of land. The father died, not leaving a will. The mother died, & did leave one. It leaves the house & her part of the prop. to one of the six siblings, two deceased. Is this legal? If so, can one of siblngs leave what he thinks is his to someone outside the immediate family?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Do people with Taurus in 3rd house have artistic ability's?????

It makes no difference. Your life cannot be influenced by some astral bodies billions of miles away. Sure, you may have talents for particular things as a result of both nature and nurture, but rest assured, it's got nothing to do with whether a random grouping of stars (which just happen to have been lumped together by the ancients because they reminded them of something).

Should i buy this laptop for what i need it for?

I would go ahead with this one. Specs seem pretty OK and also download Reginout to improve performance.

Relationship/dating advice helpp urgent please?

Just be friends for a while longer (maybe til' college like you said), see how it works out. If everything goes smoothly and you want to be more than friends, go ahead!! It doesn't matter if it's a shock to anyone, if you like him who cares?? Just follow your heart. If you don't know what it is saying, nobody will. This part is up to you. Ask yourself: do i REALLY like him. make a mental list of what you look for in a guy. If he has most then most probably he is the guy for you. And I am going to repeat this one more time so you can remember: follow your heart.

I have a horrible vertigo....?

So sorry to hear about this- I know the feeling! I had vertigo about 2 months ago to the point where people had to carry me out of bed! I was able to cure it through physical therapy, where they had me lay down in different directions and hold my head in different positions. It sounds crazy, but it worked. It may be hard to try to schedule an appt with a physical therapists, as many doctors are unaware that it can be treated through therapy. This has nothing to do with their doctrines, it's just not well known so they may not know how it can be cured. The excercises they taught me helped so well that it went away within a week! :) Please ask to speak to a local physical therapist/ sports medicine doctor, and I hope your vertigo goes away! So happy to hear about your brain surgery as well :) God bless :)

What is an HST rebate check?

Yes, the education system has its shortcomings. But surely you learned that there's something called Google? If you did, use it. If not, post back with enough information for us to help you, like your age and when you filed your last tax return.

Does Quebec & P.E.I. administer their own PST & GST Sales Tax?

Iv heard that in Quebec, they administer their own PST & GST and send the GST to the Federal Government, opposite of HST, where Both the PST and GST go straight to Ottawa and then they send back the PST portion of the HST. Iv also heard that P.E.I does the same, but they are thinking of moving towards HST soon.

Why is there an explosion of rare traits in internet forums?

Whenever a discussion of a rare ability or personality trait arises in message boards, suddenly 80% of the users have it. The ability to hear dog whistles, for example. Or having learned to read before the age of two or three.

Why in the world would you trust the government to put your money to good use?

Have they demonstrated any ability to spend wisely and efficiently? Remember the 300 billion or so that just immediately disappeared from TARP and no one knew where it went?

Help re-arranging this clustered up sentence? What would sound better? Thanks...?

With interest in leasing the property, I attempted to find the owners, presuming they would be interested in renting to a qualified tenant, rather than let the home linger on in disrepair. Further research made it known that the owners were deceased with no living heirs. Public records indicated there was no probate, or other properties or relatives to reach them.

To what extent does rap music affect teens' ability to learn and how does it affect their behavior?

If you were already in a certain mood, it might help you to do something you otherwise wouldn't. But in the end, people make their own decisions.

Is science too complicated for climate skeptics?

Don't be too hard on the scientific illiterates. The fog index of your quote is through the roof. Most people need a simplified summary. Unfortunately, most of the summaries come from people with an axe to grind.

Should parents have the option of not keeping a baby?

In case of a decease. Let's say a baby is born and has down syndrome. Can't the parents choose to leave and the hospital/clinic kills the defective baby?

PLEASE read and answer, I need at least a bit of advice here?

If you were a good mother, you would not have someone like that around your child. It doesn't matter if he's the dad or not. He's a druggie that doesn't come home because he's at the drug dealers house. Did he know that the baby needed food? I mean, it's one thing if the baby had food but you didn't, but if the baby had no food then that is a MAJOR problem. You need to file for full custody, get a job if you don't have one, and GROW UP. You may be only 18 years old, but you decided that you were woman enough to open your legs and have a child. Now that child should be the MOST important thing in your world. You have to protect and provide for that child. Your child's father is still a child and looks to have no desire grow up and do the right things in life. Leave him and learn to take care of yourself. Maybe when you've learned to take care of yourself and your child, someone perfect for you will come along. Until then, do what is right for your baby.

Final Fantasy X Petrifying Grenade near Macalania Temple?

I went all the way back to Lake Macalania-Crevasse but I found out i cant go back to the Macalania Woods without defeating Seymour the first time. But I really need the Petrifying Grenades to customize a weapon to have StoneStrike ability so that Seymours annoying guards would just die(petrify) on the first hit. Is there any monsters besides the Iguion in Macalania Woods that Rikku can steal Petrifying Grenades from?

Government is Trickster in taxes?

Government said will not raise taxes but created new tax hst then combined it too pst is this fare and why should we bail out Greece or any europen government will bail us out on food like beef since are stink to U.S.

I have no artisitic ability/creativity but I want to pursue Interior Design?

I was never really good at drawing nor was really good at being creative in group projects or really good at problem solving (especially in life or math wise). I guess I'm just the average joe. Frankly all these elements are needed to be a successful interior designer. I am going to college in a few months and I am trying to decide what to major in and interior design is what interests me the most. My question I guess is. Can creativity, and problem solving be learned and if I study and work at it hard enough is it resonable that I will be par with all those natural born artistic students who have been drawing/designing in some form for years already?

My car is totalled loss,do i have to accept their 1st offer?

Generally all the insurance company has to do is pay market value. Add ons and modifications are seldom considered in the value equation. You should do a market survey yourself to determine whether the insurance company is accurately appraising the car. Also, are you injured? - make a claim if you are hurt. Never trust the insurance company - they just want to get off the hook for the cheapest costs.

What do I need to do to be able to move to France from Canada? I am not fluent in French...?

I am so fed up with the way our country is being ran, that I am truly considering my options. I would love to move to France or Sweden I think. I am almost certain you must speak French fluently to move to France though :( Is this true? How do they determine your ability? Just wondering because I could attempt to learn the language lol Otherwise Sweden may be my only shot at a society I agree with lol

What would you suggest to Gaza residents to help with the trade market?

You hit the nail right on the head, you came to the central truth right away. As long as Hamas is their government, an organization that clearly does not accept the right of Israel to even exist, not live in peace with them, but to not even exist. THAT IS THEIR STATED POLICY! Now, do you think I can find any common ground with someone if they do do even accept that I should be alive and exist. You must be kidding. There is no peace. There will be no peace. There is not even a way for peace as long as Hamas is in control. We will have 100 years more of bloodshed and mayhem and the residents of Gaza and their poor innocent children will suffer the most. There is not degree of aid or foreign investment that can overcome this reality of a Hamas government. Unfortunately, the Palestinian people themselves live in fear of these thugs and killers. I'm sorry. I see no hope, NONE.

Going for HST (Dye test) on Thursday need advice?

also to add to Stephanie's post if they happen to be blocked there is a chance that when they run the dye through they can actually unblock the tubes. THe only pain you may get would be slight cramping but nothing to make you ball up and cry. Good luck!

Does it happen often that bad people are happy,lucky and satisfied and good people suffer?

Are going to complain about it or fix it? The only justice is the justice we give each other. But it often does come down to a choice of weather to be happy or good.

Should i forgive him for what he did to me?

Excuse my grammarr my phone is retarded There is this guy we are friend real close friends we hang out and all of that he is always joking with me he willcomee up behind me and grab me and hold me orgrabbingg my butt by kidding around. all the girls want him hes like a brother to me. So we were in pe running and I fell and scraped my knee. Hst opeded to help me and he grabed me and bit my neck. I pushed him away and asked him what the heck he was doing and he looked at me his eyes were green with anger but he has blue eyes so that was weird the next time I saw him was this morning I kinda had been avoiding him all day yesterday. I was walking down the hallway once he saw me,i quickly turned away hopping he really didn'tnt see me so I turned around to look for him and he wasnt there so I kept looked then I turned and he was right behind me. I told him that he scared me and that I didnt know that he had green eyes and he said that he doesnt and I told him I had to go and he grabed my arm and pulled me back. his eyes were green He told me to kiss him and I told him no and he grabed me trying to get me to kiss him but I kept shoving him and this dude came and helped me out. I was so scared I saw,him in the office and he was calm and his eyes were blue he kept texting me that he was sorry.i honosty dont think he meant it

Anyone willing to trade a manaphy, shaymin, arceus?

I really want these pokemon :) I dont care if they are hacked as long as they have the same ability as the original. thanks in advance! let me know if you can help

How can the President seriously claim that he is for the middle class and scold Congress for taking a recess?

First I am middle class. I make $70k a year and every policy that he puts forward hurts the middle class and poor. 1)Taking away oil companies ability to take depletion & accelerated depreciation of its assets (that is the subsidies they refer too) is going to reduce oil exploration and increase the oil company expenses. This will of course cause an increase in heating oil and gas prices. Of course since gas prices will be higher that will cause increase in trucking and shipping and another increase in airfares. So now my necessities (food, heat and gas) are more expensive and if I am able to scrape together enough money for a vacation (which is unlikley) it will be more expensive too. What your moretoreum on oil drilling did not contribute to the rise in oil enough? To top it off the new EPA regualations which is essentially the Cap and Tax law that failed in Congress not only kills jobs in the clean coal industries but will raise my electricity bill as well. Now who does these increases hurt more the middle class or the Fat Cat in his corporate jet? Second in the last few months the President has played 17 rounds of golf (min 2.5 hrs) and held 33 fundraisers (lets say all time included 3hrs each) and then scolds Washington saying he has been there bc he met with each caucus for 1.5 hrs. So that is 142hrs to 6hrs. I guess the heart of this question is how can any regular working Joe like myself defend this policy. Best answer to anyone that can show me the error in my logic.

Looking for opinions on a new CoD Zombie perk!?

Deadshot Daqueri is steady aim but yeah that and it should make it to where you CANNOT hurt yourself with explosives.

My great great grandfather was a cowboy who never filled out a census?

I am trying to find out more information about my heritage, and family history. I have a membership to, and have explored MANY other websites of the sort, but I have hit a brick wall. My great great grandfather never filled out a census, and both his son and grandson (my grandfather) are deceased, my dad knows nothing about him either. What avenues can I take, all I know is his name, and that he was born in Oklahoma or Missouri. (we also have one picture, but that's it)? I really have no idea, please help!

What is the Michigan Law pertaining to Surviving spouse and a living will?

My step-mom passed away and she has a living Will. I am on the Will as the one to make sure her wishes are carried out. My step-Sister is causing a lot of drama over the Will. My mom has only been deceased for 1 month. We are having her Memorial on the 25th of June and wants the item right away that was left to her by her mother. My dad is not ready to let anything go. Is he in his legal right to hold off on distributing the requested items in the Living Will or does he have to do it right away. My dad is the surviving spouse and I would like to know what his rights are pertaining to this matter.

2011 Hyundai Accent vs 2010 Mazda 3?

Chevrolet Cruze is a nice car and i have one and love it.. i considered the mozda 3 speed but it was alot more $ i got the cruze fully loaded for 24k and its awsome and probibly worth the extra cash compared to the accent. even though hyundai has made there cars better, they still are no mach for mazda or chevy... ohh by the way i work at a hyundai dealer! nobody thaqt works here drives a hyundai! only the managers but they have too.. think about it. everybod had nissan, toyota, honda or american made. if you go somewhere and the ppl selling it dont have faith in it! also the residual value (how well it holds its value) is really bad on hyundai. if you plan on keeping the car for a while plan on doing some head work to the motor around 60k miles. and make sure if you go with the accent, to doo all work to it at a hyundai dealer. if not it could void the warranty of the car and ur stuck with a two year old car with 60k miles and a 3000 dollor debt on the car. most ppl lease them because then you get rid of it after 3 years.. but you could probibly find a used 2010 wit 20k miles for around $11000. (that will show you how well a car holds its value) goodluck

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How can a goal keeper improve his ability to hit the ball when for instace taking agoalkick or spot kick?

Im a goalkeeper and i almost have every thing that a deascent goalie should have in meaning the talent i can make great saves with may hands and legs penalty kick taker and stopper. one on ones. speed and everything except the abilty to hit a ball hard for example while taking a goal kick i cant weep the ball high enough to reach the opposition side like most goalkeepers do so what exercices should i do in order to improve because i was thinking of going for try outs but im afraid they wont pick me because of this so what do i do?

Can you think of a major religion that doesn't attempt to cheat death?

In other words... doesn't it seem as if concepts such as Heaven, reincarnation, and the ability to raise people from the dead are just convenient ways to circumvent the realisation that we are incontrovertibly mortal?

What are good examples of key words for search optimizing?

On a website providing used car parts and accessories what would be some key words for search-ability? The items for sale are categorized so I don't understand which would be best. For example: transmissions (category) 1999 Alero 5 speed manual, 2007 automatic Toyota Camry etc. Would you use the types of vehicles for keywords? I am lost. I have never done web design but I am newly employed with a company that is more lost than I seem to be. Help Me Please!

Importing Bedroom Furniture from USA to Canada, additional charges at border?

I am ordering Bedroom furniture [5pcs] from USA and its coming to Canada. They are delivering it to my address in Canada but I am not sure what are the additional charges at the Canadia border? HST/GST? or any other duty?? do i have to tell Canada customr before shipping truck comes to the border like Canada Custom wants to be notified before you bring Automobiles ?

In magic can you use spin engine's ability on more then on creature in a turn?

As long as you can afford to keep paying the red, you are free to use it on as many creatures as you wish.

If President Bush didnt now his own daughters age like Obama didnt with his, how would liberals react?

Still talking about Bush? Bush forgetting his daughters age's is miniscule compared to all the other stupid sh he said, did you know there are entire books written on his gaffes?

Do I have any future in basketball at all?

Hey, I'm a 14 year old boy, I'm 5'8, 120lbs, and have a 6 foot wingspan. My vertical leap is around 3ft-3ft and a half. In my last year of middle school, I missed all but 3 games due to a knee sprain and only averaged 0.0ppg 2apg and 2rpg in those two games. This summer I decided I needed more help and more exposure to competetive play since my High School is only a single A school, so I decided to join the new AAU team my hometown was putting together for the first time this year. To be honest, we suck, we have only had one tournament, and lost the first two games by 30pts or more, and won the last game by forfeit because the team we were gonna play lost 54 to 1. But anyway, in the tournament, I scored 10pts in the first game against a team called SQBA, ant then I scored 12 in my second against the "Young Ballerz" so I guess thats 11ppg, I also had 2apg and 4rpg in this tournament. So if I continue to practice my all around game, will I have any future in basketball? Like how far do you think I could get? My teamates compare me to Ray Allen because of my shooting ability, although I wasn't a three point shooter in the begining of the AAU season, just a mid-range shooter, but ever since my coach forced the three point shot on me, I went from 20% behind the line to 34%. I am also a 87% free throw shooter, but lack dribbling ability, I don't drive to the basket often, in fact, I only lay the ball in on fastbreaks, I'm not a physical player, or one of those emotional leaders that get hyped up every second, I don't block shots or steal the ball, I just play solid on ball deffense. Would I have any future in basketball at my current position of Shooting Guard and my secondary position of Point guard and Small Forward?

Do I charge HST to a USA based company?

Generally, if you are selling taxable goods and/or services to people in Canada, you will be charging and remitting GST to the federal government. (You will not charge GST on taxable goods and/or services shipped to people in other countries, such as the U.S.)

Help about Shoe designing?

I need help figuring out the cost of products materials and hours a worker takes. this is not including hst.

What is a BIG current event that you guys can think of that affects our daily lives?

When social security was implemented. When welfare started. When federal and state income taxes became a reality. When mentally ill patients could sign themselves out of the hospital (this became a start to homelessness). Personal computers that you could put on a desk and now carry around in your hand. When criminals started having more rights than victims.

Do you Tip you waitresses?

I tip 15 to 20% my mom used to work as a waitress and I know how hard she worked and how low she was actually paid.

What mythical creatures have healing powers?

I know that unicorn and phoneix are supposed to, but are there any others? it's for a story i'm writing..trying to figure out what I could make the girl have in her that she isnt aware of, that gives her the ability to heal.

A life on the auction block?

A Life On The "Auction Block?" My stepbrother (executor of my mother's estate) expects my sister and me to BUY items from our deceased mother's kitchen if we want to take them home with us. So that means if I want her collection of small spatulas and whisks I have to BUY them from the estate. Is that extreme or what? I can see selling the house, furniture and appliances to help support my step-father, but well used kitchen gadgets? Any thoughts out there in Answers land?

Why don't creationists know that freshwater fish cannot live in salt water and visa versa?

There are a select few that have the ability to osmo-regulate but most cannot make the transition without dying.

Did you feel that earthquake?

-Not here on the Mainland. We're too far away. -But thanks for the Tsunami Info though... Those HAVE been known to hit the West Coast from time to time...

My grandmother has been deceased almost a year I'm in the will but I've never got a call from an attorney why?

Does your grandma have anything of value, is the estate worth probating? If the estate is small, a lot of people won't probate, it's just not worth it usually. Is there an executor listed in the will? I would contact who the listed executor is and ask what the status is.

I was told that if my mother was deceased at the time of my fathers death, i may get his benefits. is this tru?

Does he have a will? Are there other heirs? What benefits are u talking about? My workplan u list how u want yr benefits to be distributed when u die so there is always a paper trail somewhere. Don't throw a party honey, u might be disappointed

Has anyone ever come to you and claimed to have spoken with a deceased loved one?

This happened to my daughter recently, when someone she had met once or twice claimed to have been in contact with her deceased sister. Although some of the details fit, they were also rather general, except for one thing which was remarkably accurate and really had nothing to do with her sister but did have to do with me. I am highly skeptical of such claims, if not completely disbelieving, but wonder how others in this situation have reacted.

Has Facebook made us socially retarded?

I'm sure you've all seen the thousands of "does he like me" questions on Y!A. What's gotten my attention is that most of these involve friending, poking, posting on somone's Facebook wall. It seems like a lot of the people out there are totally dependent on social networking sites to play matchmaker for them, and can't read emotion or have a face-to-face conversation anymore. This seems to be a problem even for people way past their teenage years. Is Facebook impeding people's ability to be social in real life?

Where do you get curse in pokemon white?

i think its eathher in a temple or a swamp its some were dark and spooky and sadoy good luck hope you find that curse

Advice on applying to University?

I would suggest that you majorly boost your extracurricular activities because if your grades are not stellar, that's the next thing that universities look at. I don't know about Concordia or Bishop, but it's unlikely that you'll get into McGill with those grades, as the competition is stiff and they even turn straight-A students away. Your grade 10 and 11 marks are the most important because you'll have to submit high school grades in the middle of your grade 12 year so they won't be able to base your admission on your entire grade 12 year. Good luck!

HST/GST account. Canada Tax Law?

I had voluntarily registered for a HST account, is there anyway for me to cancel the account, because I realized that my revenues are not more than 30k. I live in Ontario, Canada

I had a dream about my deceased father?

I had a dream about my deceased father in the dream it was like he never was dead he was doing his routinely duties and I didnt even notice he was dead it felt so real I thought he was alive and I have these dream periodically what does it mean?

I need help! Do i poses psychic ability? Telekinetic ability?

dude..I HAVE DONE THIS TOO the only was to confoirm this is to contact the Xmen and see what they think...

Angular area of the HST field of view in square degrees?

It depends on which camera is being used, but they are all less than one square degree. The largest one seems to be 202 arc seconds square. 3,600 arc seconds is one degree.

Gov. HST cheques taxable?

The Canadian Government Transitional HST cheques issued in 2010 to private individuals and business, are they considered income and should the amounts therefore be considered as other income for either one?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Christian Relationship question: How far?

I struggle with this too, but it's harder for me cause I'm seeing someone who isn't a Christian and I know he wants to go all the way and I don't know how keep us from going farther than what we're doing.

Can Anyone Get Me A Shedinja Thats Ability Is Sturdy?

i'll give them my reshiram, or latios.. but i have more pokemon available if those dont seem appealing..

Pokemon Ability Item?

What's the item on pokemon that gives you an extra chance that the offspring will have the same ability as the parent holding that item? I want to know cause when I'm breeding shinies I don't want the crap abilities. Oh and can you get this item in black version?

GST check & issue date?

GST/HST credit payment Chique issued on April 5 does this mean we receive it in are mailboxes the same day?

Which group best describes some of the effects of World War I on the United States?

I have ZERO faith in today's talent?

The talent of today just don't have the potential to be taken seriously in the future, one way to tell that WWE is fu*king up is the fact that people still want guys like Austin and The Rock to come back instead of encouraging the new guys because they all know the talent SUCKS. Only a handful of wrestlers actually have mic skills out of the two rosters. John Morrison, for example, has great in-ring ability but for the love of God his promos make me cringe, he would be OK if he was working your average wrestling show but this is WWE and mic skills are CRUCIAL and most of the new guys just don't have the charisma.

Best recruitment software, preferably open source or free?

I'm looking for software to manage a database for job applications and recruitment. I was going to use a modified version of web help desk because I like it's features, but using webforms for applications did not play well with it. I like how WHD installs locally and is access via web. I would like features like sort/filter, web access, applicant profile page, attachments (for resumes and cover sheets) and the ability to design a web form for the applicant to fill out which can be submitted directly to the system to create a new application. Any help? It doesn't have to be free, but I would prefer it to be and I definitely don't want the cost to be recurring.

What could this be ? Please help !?

I have been having problems with my head . This started about three weeks ago when I noticed I was feeling kinda weird . It seems like Im lacking the ability to concentrate or something . I often catch myself in a daze staring off into into space (day dreaming) . Anyways also , I feel like I am very forgetfull and having trouble with my short term memory . Im also having trouble sleeping at night and once I do fall asleep , I sleep A LOT ! I havent had any head injury's of any sort either . This could just be a mental thing . I might be freaking out a little about this but it's really staring to irritate me . Im 15 years old , I shouldnt be having this problem . If this continues for another week or so , I'ma go to my doctor . Any suggestions on what this might be ? Anything helps guys ! I appreciate it !

Its a AP Biology 5th edition question please answer this question i will be so thankful to u...?

The use of radioactive isotopes as tracers in biochemical research is based on cells using the tracers in place of nonradioactive isotopes. Explain why this ability of radioactive isotopes to infiltrate the chemical processes of the cell also compounds the threat posed by radioactive contaminants in air, soil, and water.

What are your thoughts on Randy Orton claiming that John Cena is better on the mic than The Rock?

I don't care what Orton says. Rock and Cena are pretty similar in the ring in my opinion. Meaning they are both decent. The only thing Rocky has more than Cena is charisma.

How does GST receivable work in the HST system for a business?

In British Columbia we now have the HST and I'm wondering if you are still eligible to recover the GST you payed as a business. Is it under a different name or can you no longer receive that money?

What is the tax on a breastpump from the US to me(in Canada)?

I bought it on Ebay, the lady owned it. It's 815.00 including shipping. I know there is a $5.00 charge for crossing the border but if it is a gift is it taxable for me? Do I have to pay HST?

Help on red dead redemption multiplayer?

Why does is seem that some players have some ability to not die during multiplayer? I've had this happen a few times and as much as a shoot, they won't die. How does that work? Can I do it?

Proper wording for wedding invitations in unusual circumstances?

I like Kiara's idea, but using a small cross (superscript) after your mom's name instead of "late" - that is as long as you're not Jewish. Most likely everyone invited will know that your Mom has passed away, and it will be obvious to them what the cross means.

Do I have psychic/ clairvoyant abilities or is there another name for it?

No one anywhere has ever demonstrated any psychic or clairvoyant ability in a test that ruled out coincidence or fraud. If you can, you'd be the first to do so. has details of a longstanding offer of a prize for such a demonstration. It's one million dollars.

I think she's lying about being a Doctor?

Medical licenses are public record, you can look it up: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Cant log in to windows 7, password lost?

In windows 7 you can do a system restore that might bring it back to your old password. If not your only option is to put in the recovery cd if u have one it restores windows 7 back to factory settings.

Can I file my taxes separately or with my common law partner?

You are common law so you would file common law. You each do your own taxes as individuals but you have to put your spouse's information on your return because they use both of your incomes to calculate all the credits just like they do for the GST/HST and CTB/UCCB. CRA already knows that you're common law. You ARE common law and have been since your child was born. Make sure that you have your spouse's net income before you attempt to do your own return. A common mistake people make is not including that. Then the tax software automatically calculates your return based on your spouse having no income at all. Since they use both of your incomes to calculate the credits, it really screws them up. You may end up getting more than you would be entitled to but, since it was in error, CRA will ask for all of it back and then some.

Has anyone used or heard of this service?

Better you than me, it's a cheap price to pay for something that gives you a lot, if something is to good to be true it usually is.

Is there a set date for the retirement of Hubble Space Telescope from service?

I am working on a paper on the history and accomplishments of the Hubble Space Telescope, and I need to know if there is an actual set date for when HST is going to be retired from service. There is no information directly answering this question in either NASA's website or the Space Telescope Science Institute's website. I can't seem to find any definite answer any where. If anyone knows whether or not there has been a concrete decision, I would appreciate it if you could let me know and direct me to a reputable online source for information. Thanks so much!

Landlord threatening to take gst/hst away from me?

my landlord gave me an eviction notice today and he threatened that he could make it so that he recieves me baby bonus gst and hst. can he actually do this

Trying to find out if Willie Nelson played a concert in Birmingham, AL, in May of 1973.?

I found a backstage pass from my now deceased mom attending the show, but it only has the date May 16; no year on the pass. I want to know what year WN played this show - did he play a show 5/16/73?

Is taking AP US history and AP Bio too much to handle?

I am going to be a sophomore in highschool and i dont know if i will be able to handle both. I am an honors straight A student. I have a good work ethic, and school means a ton to me. I want to go into medicine as a career. I am kind of a procrastinator, but i always get things done and i do them to the absolute best of my ability. Has anyone taken 2 AP classes sophomore year and been ok? like no emotional breakdowns ok? The only school activities i do are speech and student council. I need feedback!

Important routes of trains (TGV portuguese name) or HST?

What exactly are you asking for? The main route of Comboios de Portugal (CP - Portuguese Railways) is Faro - Lisbon - Coimbra - Porto - Braga, and the best trains are the "Alfa Pendular".

What to do about children abandoned with me?

My brother (whose wife is deceased) recently dropped off his 3 kids for a "visit" and is not coming back. For many reasons, this is better for them. However, I want guardianship to be legal. Should I contact a lawyer, or can I resolve this by simply talking to social services? Will I have to go to court? Will I have to become a foster parent (and my home a registered foster home) in order to keep them? Has anyone else had family members abandoned with them and if so, how did you resolve it? I want what is best for the kids and they need stability and security. Any good advice is appreciated.

What are the latest HP 740r DVD R/W drivers?

My HP M7257C Media Center P/C has developed a slight problem. Its main DVD drive, the HP 740r (not 740b) is no longer recognizing DVDs and has lost its ability to write to CD-Rs as well. It plays DVDs and CDs fine, but no writing, which is inconvenient as you can imagine. Poor HAL is out of warranty (go figure) and everywhere I look for drivers wants me to install their software for the measly sum of $29.95 and up. Any ideas? The driver it hs now is 5.1.2600.5512.

What do you think about this comment? I was shocked...?

A friend of ours recently lost one of his young daughters in a car crash, and my mother said to him 'Its not so bad youve still got the other daughter'. Do you think this was a very insensitive comment? I must admit I was shocked. It almost sounds like the deceased girl was worthless dont you think?

Daughter in law is wearing my deceased wifes clothes now?

I can well imagine just how you felt when you saw what you did. It no doubt was like a "flash back" of "yesterday" so to speak. You cannot go on feeling this way, & it's not honestly rite to put you in this position. It's just still too much for you to bear. Someone gave them to her at some time no doubt in a well meaning manner. But what it's doing to you is not being fair. I would have a talk with your son & explain to him what it's doing to you to see his mother's clothes being worn in your presence. Either ask him to please tell her NOT to wear them around you, OR IF you'd feel better, ask to have them donated to the Good Will. This is NOT fair to you, you should not be put in this position. Don't feel a bit bad for telling the truth either. You have every rite to your personal feelings...the very best to you...:)

Its a AP Biology 5th edition question please answer this question i will be so thankful to u...?

Female silkworm moths attract males by emitting chemical signals that spread through the air. a male hundreds of meters away can detect these molecules and fly toward there source. the sensory organs responsible for this behavior ore the comb like antennae . each filament of an antennae is equipped with thousands of receptors cell that detect the sex attractant. based on what i have here, propose a hypothesis to account for the ability of the male moth to detect a specific molecule in the presence of many other molecules in the air. what prediction does ur hypothesis make? design an experiment to test one of these predictions.

Is there a way I can claim back HST paid on Green car in Canada?

That program ended at the end of March, 2009 and only applied to 2006-2008 models. I know this because I bought a new 2009 car in February that year and it wasn't eligible for the rebate. :-(

What happens to people who cant learn about God when they die?

for example, My brother has autism and has no way to fully understand God. Will god hold it against him that he didnt have the ability? After all he did make him that way. He has been baptized though. What do you think?

Emancipation and pregnancy. ?

I'm currently 17 years old and I live on my own with my bf. He currently works and I get other income. I was wondering what are laws in the state of louisiana being pregnant and emancipation. My mom is deceased and my dad lives in Alaska. Also now me being pregnant, I can apply for insurance and see a doctor on my own. I'm really In need of job so that's why I ask.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Voice: What artists' CDs are you looking forward to most?

I'm looking forward to Vicci, Javier, and, of course, Dia. I can't wait to see how Dia blends her ability to hit a bunch of notes with an up-beat sound.

Does the Gov't really have grants for single mothers?

My friend told me to apply for a government grant to help with my son. His dad is deceased and he's not eligible to get social security b/c his dad didn't work enough quarters they said. i just need some financial help. My local dept of social services say I make too much money. But really it isn't enough. I don't want to miss out on help if I can get it.

Can a non-US citizen, retired wife, use her husband's SSN for medicare or medicaid insurance during USA visits?

My mother is a non-US citizen, but was married to a US citizen who is now deceased. She is retired, lives abroad and receives a pension from the US government under his SSN. Is she eligible to receive some sort of medical health coverage (such as medicare or medicaid) during visits to the USA?

Hypothetical question regarding HST (BC)?

If you charged someone else $165 in HST, then that is $165 you collected in taxes on behalf of the government. 100% of that belongs to the government. If you then paid out $5 in HST, then you'd owe $160.

How much would this computer cost?

The other day, I got home, and was really tired. I plopped down on my bed, but didn't see my computer there. I hear a crack, and sure enough, when I turn on the computer, there is a huge black crack covering half the screen. I only broke the inner screen, so it still functions. But, I can't keep on using the computer with the crack in it, so I decided I should invest in a new one. Well, I have my eye on a Gateway computer. I don't want a huge computer, just a tiny netbook, and these netbooks start at $239.99. Let's say I wanted to buy one that costs $279.99. I would like to know what the total cost would be taxes, etc. included. I live in Canada, but I am not entirely sure what kind of taxes they would charge for the computer (HST, for example). Please don't make fun of me, I am only fourteen, and I haven't bought a computer before (my other one was a gift). Also, any ideas of how I could get this money? Something appropriate for a 13-14 year old. Another question. Can 14 year olds get jobs at places like grocery stores, clothing stores, etc? All answers appreciated, but serious ansers only please.

Tax and basic personal amount?

My wife lives outside of Canada therefore she has no SIN card and income in Canada. My question is that can I use Basic Personal Amount for her in tax form and what would be HST rebate in this regard. Thanks

I think Canada Revenue made a mistake? GST/HST Account question?

When I did my taxes, it said I'd get $990.06 back. I got $817.11 back with an explanation that the remaining $172.95 was taken and applied to a balance I owe on my GST/HST credit account. Isn't that something that businesses have? I don't own a business, so what are they talking about? Is it possible they made a mistake? I don't owe anyone anything and the only government related bill I have is for BC Medical Services, which I pay on time every month...I'm confused!

Am I considered a self employed dental hygienist? If so, do I just pay income tax, etc. at the end of the year?

Sense they are not taking taxes out of your check, it sounds like you are self employed/contract labor. This being the case the taxes are payed quarterly, the IRS will give you forms and tax tables to use. If there is only 1 job and part time your tax liability is minimum. The kicker is your social security taxes are to be paid even if your federal and state end up being $0. Technically nothing is due until the end of the year, but is due and payable then. Penalties and interest will eat you alive, if not paid.

How to bury my dog? How deep must I dig?

She is only just dead this morning, I awoke to an awful stench. My deceased father use to bury our animals when they died and I did not want to go to the specific spot he did it as I did not want to hit the other ones but I remembered this flowerbed areahe had dug up many many years before and thought that would be a good area, no flowers in it anymore near a banana tree that is dead. I have my dog, a chihuahua in a sturdy box and I have dug a hole about two feet and this is where the earth got too hard for me to dig, I can't make much of a dent in it. It has been a long time since I last saw a hole dug for a dead animal but I think this is as deep as my father went before though I believe it is customary to dig three feet. Is two feet ok? her box is about 4 inches high.

38 weeks pregnant and dreaming of my deceased father?

My father died in 1995, and I still dream of him on a weekly basis. The Other Side is not as far away as one might think. He comes to guide and visit and sometimes warn. Such is the case with your father. He wants your numbers, meaning he wants permission to visit again. Enjoy the relationship you now have with him on a other side.

What is the most offensive question you have asked on Yahoo Answers?

On a scale of 10-20 how much bitching did your girlfriend do today? We all know it's impossible to answer below 10 so don't lie.

Where should my poochon puppy sleep?

I'm tempted to say "in a pouch," but really, in a crate in your room. Crates provide security and take advantage of the denning instinct, and the instinct to keep the den clean. And you don't want it pooping and piddling all over your room. it will have just left its littermates and so will be extremely lonely -- don't make things worse by putting it by itself.

My deceased brother's acct was hacked. I know this b/c I just received spam from him. What do I do?

Who do I contact? I have searched and searched. Is there a exact web address without searching I can go through. FB has a form to fill out to delete a deceased users acct. Does yahoo?

Besides that obvious Christian things, what would make Christian marriages endure?

When I say obvious, things like communication, love and respect, faithfulness, staying away from tempting situations, etc. Other things I would add personally are sense of humor and affection are important and the ability to be patient and prayerful in regard to the other person's "flaws"...

How can you be so sure?

that God exisits and made us in his image and it's not just our minds ability to question where we came from that caused us to create God because of our fear of not knowing what happens to us when we die?

Mission Icefly Rescue after clock hit 0?

We waited for days for the clock to hit zero, and it finally has. Who else has watched the video? Has anyone been "selected" yet? Are there any new leads on this site and it's purpose? We have been decoding the video's audio to the best of our ear's abilities this past hour. Nothing too significant. The repition of words such as "persistent" "sound" "careful" and at one point it sounds like "there's no room/one". Also, during the part spoken backwards, there is an underlying forwards audio. Please reply even if you don't have an answer. I would like to collaberate.

Why are you for/against having religious beliefs?

Because the idea of religion is to make people do what you want. And 99% of the time these are horrible things like murder..

I have no artisitic ability/creativity but I want to pursue Interior Design?

I was never really good at drawing nor was really good at being creative in group projects or really good at problem solving (especially in life or math wise). I guess I'm just the average joe. Frankly all these elements are needed to be a successful interior designer. I am going to college in a few months and I am trying to decide what to major in and interior design is what interests me the most. My question I guess is. Can creativity, and problem solving be learned and if I study and work at it hard enough is it resonable that I will be par with all those natural born artistic students who have been drawing/designing in some form for years already?

I have a title to a mobile home that I believe money is stilled owed Could the finance company come after me?

The mobile home was my deceased father's home. I found the title signed by the finance company releasing the lien, but I also found where he had been paying the finance company. I want to sell the mobile home. Can the finance company come back after me?

How large does a debt need to be befor they go after a deceased persons estate?

There is no minimum. The administrator or executor is legally required to pay all of the deceased debts in full before anyone else gets a single cent.

Would you read this story?

I mean, the idea's intriguing, but the story has quite a few very large grammatical errors. You also are repetitive with saying "written it off" twice in a matte of lines. However, if you edit it I'll be much more interested.

Can i drive without a licesns?

okay so i just took the state drivers test i have passed both maneuver ability, and the other from the state, so know i can get my license, although i don't have them, i have all the papers signed to receive my license so can i drive without braking the law

Based on my height, weight, age, and physical shape, what would be a good home workout program to build muscle?

You should use soma, it is the best about it you can get information from here

How to increase my dogs abilities and wat to feed him?

Ok I have a german shepherd and I want to increase his speed and strength, so can someone give me some tips and a diet for the training and don't saying walking him I take him for a mile walk every day

Can you please tell me what I'm going to be charged upon delivery?

So I bought a computer from, what I thought, was a company that had a Canadian extension (I don't know the proper wording, I'm sorry.) Basically I was looking for a new computer and futureshop gouges so I went with another company that had an American website and a Canadian website, of course, little did I know, since they said nothing, that their Canadian website is only prices. So I got charged no tax and no environmental fee. The package is on its way now. I live in Nova Scotia. Am I going to be charged hst and gst and environmental tax? I just need to know how much to put aside (and if I'm going to have to borrow money from someone because I'm on a tight budget and this was unexpected, this whole scenario was my point to buy Canadian).

When at 64 years old/receiving deceased husband widow disablility what happens to the moonies i work for?

don t understand social security rule which ever is greater. I worked for over 30 years myself. and was married for 33 years be husband passed. does not seem fair. I should be able to get both.